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2024 Oraculations

This is the archive of daily oraculations. Forgive me if I have missed any days between now and whenever you are reading this. There are many items that devour my attention.
Days missed since January 1st, 2024 that were my fault: 3
Days missed since January 1st, 2024 that were not my fault: 3

July 26, 2024 vortex very_acidic
July 25, 2024 running_out_of_time soft refugees radionic
July 24, 2024 long_revolver death_approaches cursed hungry_for_blood
July 23, 2024 snail norm locked_in_my_basement daedra Earth
July 22, 2024 ovipositor more_than_everything eldritch_waifu highly_disturbed Deity small
July 21, 2024 The_God_Machine mazes Id Star too_eager
July 20, 2024 Furious
July 19, 2024 deconstruct Kizuna_AI streaming but_the_soul_refused sugoi_desu debt
July 18, 2024 super_exotic highly_disturbed I'm_on_it Horse Red baleful_polymorph_into_a good_boy
July 17, 2024 just_enough three monkey_with_a_gun a_standing_ovation
July 16, 2024 sexistence_is_too_fat
July 15, 2024 supremely_supreme dissociating_kinda_hard yelling alien big_beard
July 14, 2024 Lalatina's_gonna_have_a_good_time grug_need_hug extra_garlic artificial_sweetener antagonistic
July 13, 2024 Twilight on_time chopping_block intelligence_score willpower cucked_and_bluepilled
July 12, 2024 disturbingly_wholesome
July 11, 2024 support_class eldritch_waifu too_scary gotta_catch_'em_all space_cowboy
July 10, 2024 free_refills unofficially_official wisdom_score radioactive ultimate_power_move liquid
July 9, 2024 Omniverse Bright
July 8, 2024 acquires accumulating_power cut_it_out medium_rare k_thnx_bye speedrunning_life trapped
July 7, 2024 heavenly_pyramid_scheme The_God_Machine look_right
July 6, 2024
July 5, 2024 Successful alien Blue no_such_thing trusting assemblage_point
July 4, 2024 Iron_Man haunting seductive_dragons
July 3, 2024 God's_sense_of_humor MIND_CRUSH! Chaotic_Evil artificial
July 2, 2024 a_bad_day_forever loosey_goosey drawing_boobs
July 1, 2024 allows wildly_off_track Kizuna_AI
June 30, 2024 breadstalks Successful a_good_day_forever Wooden wildly_off_track container The_Actual_Real_God
June 29, 2024 Dragon branded Immovable
June 28, 2024 domm'd introspective mental_fragmentation The_Weird the_biggest_cannon 50_IQ
June 27, 2024 please fucking_finally
June 26, 2024 very_honorable totally_illegal chakra
June 25, 2024 karmically_cleansed
June 24, 2024 too_erotic big_tulpa slender_waist The_Autismonomicon Procedure quantum Hawk
June 23, 2024 don't_be_dumb reward showers_of_love
June 22, 2024 Blue say_my_name
June 21, 2024 forward_through_the_foreword salt intermittent doing knot
June 20, 2024 catgirl_maids just_keep_trucking
June 19, 2024 staking_vamps extreme_weirdness_rating Dusk Peace middle_of_nowhere heavenly_realms and
June 18, 2024 fear
June 17, 2024 wishing_for_something_new
June 16, 2024 goddamn_commies jiggly artificial a_standing_ovation
June 15, 2024 aggressively_useless high_morale reward people hey_that's_pretty_good
June 14, 2024 a_day_at_the_beach fuck_no can't_stop backpack
June 13, 2024 sad_face dissociating_kinda_hard that's_so_fucking_metal total_suffering perfectly_cooked goddamn_commies
June 12, 2024 fully_finished old_monster penguin absorbing_the_power eats_your_fears
June 11, 2024 overthrow_the_big_shots climb_a_rope_into_heaven grug_not_like Guardian make_us_happy
June 10, 2024 Marriage
June 9, 2024 creepy
June 8, 2024 look_West beautiful_nurse android
June 7, 2024 0/10 nothing_personal_kid undo
June 6, 2024 just_enough alligator
June 5, 2024 more_than_enough orcs smoothie not_enough_heart
June 4, 2024 seduction ANNIHILATED lmao_Kazuma inconsider_it anti-blasphemy Flying
June 3, 2024 seduction ANNIHILATED lmao_Kazuma inconsider_it anti-blasphemy Flying
June 2, 2024 learn_more_nen just_enough_slack breeding peace_sign scripture
June 1, 2024 108_mantras_per_second electricity_magic karmically_heavy super_cringe domesticated_as_fuck cosmic_swag
May 31, 2024 start_a_war putting_only_cryptids_on_the_Ark make_us_happy Hero
May 30, 2024 True
May 29, 2024 bigger_cannon just_another merging_is_complete branded
May 28, 2024 magical_girl_transformation_sequence cosmic volatile wide_hips
May 27, 2024 hears fatty slaving_away expensive_refills
May 26, 2024 pointy_ears now_look_here Foolish Cat unironically_worshipping hiding_skeletons_in_closets
May 25, 2024 let_it_out city
May 24, 2024 unrequited speed_up accumulate_power
May 23, 2024 divining_the_lottery Farmer
May 22, 2024 nowhere tasty_looking fake_it_until_you_make_it Fruit_of_Life Stretchy half-empty
May 21, 2024 need_more_slack light_'er_up fake_news
May 20, 2024 thick_thighs bones_of_a_deity unrelatable breaking_space_law an_ominous_omen
May 19, 2024 glow-in-the-dark
May 18, 2024 good_at_math superconscious loot_and_shoot tiny_and_angry lowers
May 17, 2024 odd_in_an_odd_way posterior put_your_back_into_it a_leek
May 16, 2024 freaky_claws burrito but_why and
May 15, 2024 I_see_you're_finally_awake
May 14, 2024 found_a_micronation test_your_limits holy_fuck chow_down Hateful
May 13, 2024 Grassy flat_chest immortal breaks_apart
May 12, 2024 seductive scripture TIME_FOR_VENGEANCE! happy_ghosts digital_age trusting
May 11, 2024 if_it_ain't_broke_don't_fix_it gonna_blast HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ugly
May 10, 2024 against O.K. creamy Sad
May 9, 2024 refill snek seek_enlightenment forbidden_for_actually_good_reasons unspeakable computer Dawn
May 8, 2024 spasm_chasm super_suave Day omnipresent
May 7, 2024 dont_put_it_in_the_woodchipper us
May 6, 2024 be_more_dumb_actually
May 5, 2024 makes_no_sense a_little_too_sane weird_disease locked_indoors self_titilation mazes super_awesome
May 4, 2024 have_a_good_time out terrible_monster conscious Wonderful discombobulated
May 3, 2024 extra_garlic cursed_with_terrible_knowledge high_morale when
May 2, 2024 totally_scrondled very_salty guilty_as_charged
May 1, 2024 spiral-energy mended_heart a_quantum_fuck-_the_smallest_fuck_possible [maniacal_laughter] Stone one_more_thing
April 30, 2024 The_Empress Monkey climb_a_rope_into_heaven consider_it more_power forbidden_shield bite_off_the_nipples
April 29, 2024 four schizoposting
April 28, 2024 Living hyper Sage multicultural_state Kamina Dreaming_Machine
April 27, 2024 space_law donating_all_of_my_attention by milk Man Separation recalibrate_your_energetic_configuration
April 26, 2024 choose_freedom prepare_harder The_Actual_Real_God domesticating_the_aliens Cruel rules
April 25, 2024 sincere Cow hope the_saddest_shit_ive_ever_seen innocence_crunched forbidden_for_actually_good_reasons very_derivative
April 24, 2024 Teacher Strange shuts they Id Queen
April 23, 2024 acquires thonk vocaloid health_loss_program
April 22, 2024 extra_caffeinated desirable shortstack innocent quasi-omnipresent when
April 21, 2024 chain charcoal putting_only_cryptids_on_the_Ark Child not_enough_sauce
April 20, 2024 recede zen Lovecraftian ovipositor chronic slept_for_a_thousand_years
April 19, 2024 be_more_careful three experiencing highly_intense chill_out highly_disturbed oversized_thumbs
April 18, 2024 extra gotta_catch_'em_all 100_IQ Fruit_of_Knowledge one
April 17, 2024 auto-erotic I_see_dumb_people hyperboost memorization cosmically_cool [mischievous_giggling] run_faster
April 16, 2024 forbidden_knowledge very_secretive very_salty salt Dream_Machine
April 15, 2024 yandere chugging_the_ocean
April 14, 2024 adorable hit_them_with_sticks beefy
April 13, 2024 War heals Deus_Ex_Machina
April 12, 2024 fatalistic
April 11, 2024 you_friggen_wizard forward_through_the_foreword tame corked_up
April 10, 2024 Good_Fortune pretending_to_be_cool
April 9, 2024 can't_hide_from_God salt refusing_harder nine psychological_torture hit_them_with_sticks
April 8, 2024 follow_The_Way
April 7, 2024 four_eyes hiding_skeletons_in_closets emptied_out erasing_your_attention field a_merciful_god fluffy_moth
April 6, 2024 methhead shooting_lightning_out_of_my_hands_like_a_boss not_enough_garlic super_tornado super_chicken
April 5, 2024 sugar_spice_and_everything_nice not_very_exciting unenlightened daydreaming_really_hard deep_fried black_sun anime_is_good
April 4, 2024 toss_it putting_only_cryptids_on_the_Ark disgusted_ancestor_spirits soft undesirable fae_folk
April 3, 2024 sinking_Atlantis_manually
April 2, 2024 unified
April 1, 2024 Neutral_Good yang_bong intelligence_score evading_salvation_on_purpose seek_enlightenment rain
March 31, 2024 Chaotic_Tendencies
March 30, 2024 Home Kamina close
March 29, 2024 recalibrate_your_perceptual_framework Sword coffee extra_sweet
March 28, 2024 coffee Holy Cosmic_respect bringing_salvation
March 27, 2024 fae_folk alien_waifu 10/10
March 26, 2024 Brother acid shadow rare using_the_attention-force
March 25, 2024 Yellow gonna_blast gross new_fields_of_science riding_the_waves Fox
March 24, 2024 soul_magic Neutral_Evil breath totally_fearless
March 23, 2024 soul_magic Neutral_Evil breath totally_fearless
March 22, 2024 detonated unfriended that's_so_fucking_metal slave
March 21, 2024 obsessive_compulsive_disorder awareness freaky_voodoo seven_minutes_of_bliss tonal full_speed_ahead Supreme_Fortune
March 20, 2024 liar dominance_established Bright medium healed_my_spirit
March 19, 2024 tame nothing_personal_kid the_future Dreamer orks feel_me
March 18, 2024 adult catgirl_maids omnipotent deredere cutest_thing_i've_ever_seen death_approaches cynically_delicious
March 17, 2024 weirdly_large_hamster bring_Heaven_to_Earth
March 16, 2024 Neutral_Evil flowers tea Spinning
March 15, 2024 a_bad_day_forever shooting_lightning_out_of_my_hands_like_a_boss Ox
March 14, 2024 beloved_by_the_Moon Chaotic_Stupid
March 13, 2024 successfully_seducing_the_dragon 50_IQ why_you_mad_bro
March 12, 2024 violently keeping_aliens_as_love_slaves dejected sexual sandwich sky_burial domesticated
March 11, 2024 Dawn digital_age chungus
March 10, 2024 Blood_For_The_Blood_God!
March 9, 2024 trying_to_ascend_from_being_an_NPC demonic
March 8, 2024 pure_weirdness
March 7, 2024 no_such_thing weltanschauung what_did_God_mean_by_this? magical_girl_transformation_sequence
March 6, 2024 ANNIHILATED Yin_and_Yang
March 5, 2024 Eagle the_devil_did_it
March 4, 2024 Magician plane The_Gentleman Deus_Ex_Machina
March 3, 2024 utterly mofu_mofu
March 2, 2024 money_magic eats_your_anger
March 1, 2024 The_Tao just_plain_nice dopamine_dispenser ugly awake
February 29, 2024 Steel exultation floofy_wings choose_freedom poor totally_inappropriate
February 28, 2024 partner_up multicultural_state sulfur_and_brimstone
February 27, 2024 relatable chain-lightning White
February 26, 2024 police
February 25, 2024 breathing
February 24, 2024
February 23, 2024 elves_are_stretchy
February 22, 2024 completely_legal thunder dont_put_it_in_the_woodchipper manhandling_Megumin you_know_what's_coming Atlantis multicultural_state
February 21, 2024 sticky_slope please look_South giant_burger ventral streaming Glorious
February 20, 2024 I_love_you Troublesome presence uniquely_derivative sortserer saint
February 19, 2024 nice_shot golden ice_cream_sundae
February 18, 2024 immortal Life existing not_my_fault sincere cosmic_disrespect
February 17, 2024 centaur angry_ghosts soul_magic be_more_careful make_you_happy delet_this gonna_blast
February 16, 2024 ramen Strange blackmail_for_chicken_nuggets ubermensch food_for_your_soul
February 15, 2024 spooky_mansion overly_accepting moderately you're
February 14, 2024 Rabbit locked_out plane Biggus_Dickus
February 13, 2024 sorcerous [madness_intensifies] deredere kundalini invitation
February 12, 2024 or [madness_intensifies] catching_Pokemon deeply_disturbing
February 11, 2024 Angry Screen scent
February 10, 2024 Cruel the_perfect_amount_of_heart an_even_more_accurate_oracle getting_unlimited_breadsticks_from_IHOP Dreamer
February 9, 2024 magnetism_magic from_the_abyss small
February 8, 2024 buttery theory_of break_it_so_you_can_fix_it assets that's_so_fucking_metal Dry
February 7, 2024 zen Shield magic_crystal I'm_coming_for_you dumbo locked_up gravity_magic
February 6, 2024 The_Cardassians raises a_few_decades deeply_disturbing
February 5, 2024 one_more_thing Tesla pray psychological_torture turning_demons_into_keychains
February 4, 2024 snap_it it's_so_beautiful auto-erotic assets slumped_over weird_disease
February 3, 2024 rushed dont_put_it_in_the_woodchipper turtle
February 2, 2024 ominous cahootz suffer_for_me
February 1, 2024
January 31, 2024 a_nice_day_for_once The_Light_Side raises one unified salvation
January 30, 2024 The quantum random number source was down for this day, and as such I could not generate the proper quantum oraculation. My apologies.
January 29, 2024 The quantum random number source was down for this day, and as such I could not generate the proper quantum oraculation. My apologies.
January 28, 2024 The quantum random number source was down for this day, and as such I could not generate the proper quantum oraculation. My apologies.
January 27, 2024 Troublesome Ego totally_abominable smoothie experience Multiverse
January 26, 2024 subconscious I_see_you The_God_Machine temptation
January 25, 2024 half-god hot_fuck overthrow_the_big_shots
January 24, 2024 Dad middle_of_nowhere Spartan Soviets derpy_eyes soft
January 23, 2024 Hero cheeky_breeky Joyous dominance_established ugly Universe
January 22, 2024 Hero die 10/10 Monster freedom
January 21, 2024 locked_in_my_basement tentacles a_better_version_of I'm_on_it
January 20, 2024 low_morale stockholm_syndrome going_feral start_a_war not_serious_enough full_ahegao
January 19, 2024 fearful_ghosts howl_at_the_moon hungry_for_blood the_Other_World ominous irony_poisoning mortal
January 18, 2024 divines less_than_nothing tired_of_this_shit
January 17, 2024 with abusing_the_Oracle put_it_in_the_grinder spill_it_all_out can't_escape
January 16, 2024 evil_eye high_technology you_little_shit love-blast fake_it_until_you_make_it corked_up Chaotic_Tendencies
January 15, 2024 [villainous_laughter] throw_it_away look_West Indigo
January 14, 2024 zen what Man ocean-sized
January 13, 2024 your_darling loosey_goosey temptation Orange dopamine_dispenser inconcievable
January 12, 2024 Daughter please_repeat acid conscious
January 11, 2024 bad_at_math enabled bringing_salvation
January 10, 2024 Woman don't_break_it antagonist totally_illegal
January 9, 2024 big_think banned maybe refusing_harder us look_South
January 8, 2024 All-Might you're liar the_perfect_amount_of_heart refill energy
January 7, 2024 muscle_power True snap_it pray_harder darling
January 6, 2024 unaccepting Rooster leave_a_message speed_up throw_Megumin_at_it evading_doom uncomfortable
January 5, 2024 dxm too_scared Occultist extra_spooky slightly_mortal metal
January 4, 2024 I_see_you became_fertilizer second_sight an_omen
January 3, 2024 be_fruitful_and_multiply grouchy Druid
January 2, 2024 50_IQ disembodied phalanx_formation Lawful_Neutral nowhere
January 1, 2024 four_eyes very_acidic baka

Last year's archive - 2023